SAXONVALE - You heard it first on FromeFM!

A scoop for FromeFM was broadcast live on Thursday night when members of the Frome College work experience team - 4 students who had opted to spend their workex week at Frome FM - broke the Mayday Saxonvale decision story live on their end-of-workex show. Mayday Saxonvale co-founder Damon Moore gave us the interview just an hour after the Council had decided to offer his not-for-profit development company the contract to rebuild Saxonvale.
Reporters from BBC and the Guardian were there to record this vote by the Somerset Council, but we got it to the radio public first!
The students also carried stories about local fashion house Deadly Is The Female and satirical gift shop Hung Drawn Quoted, which they interviewed on location and edited in the studio later that day. They also did a great little piece on doing work experience which also included interviews with 2 other workex students doing their experience at the town hall with the communications dept of the Town Council. Lots of very positive feedback on social media and whatsapp.
Thanks to Julia Wellard from All About Frome for her scripting and production training sessions too.
Workex show goes out at Saturday 0900 and 1900 and Monday 1700 on FromeFM and is also now available to listen on MixCloud here
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