Join Us

Are you a budding radio enthusiast, eager to step into the world of broadcasting? Or just looking to develop a new skill? FromeFM broadcasts new shows every month 24/7 online and on 96.6FM. We are always looking for new members, community groups and volunteers to join the team.

FromeFM is made up of the following types of people:

  • Presenters
  • Studio Managers
  • Technical Support
  • Broadcast Engineers
  • Researchers
  • Journalists
  • Web Admins
  • And many more!
Presenters Mike and Alex in the studio

Broadcast your own show

If you wish for a show to be a regular part of the scheduled broadcast, then membership is required. You will receive in-house studio training and support with your show. Members can get involved in presenting an existing show, propose a new show idea or work behind the scenes.

We hold regular Meet and Greet sessions for new members to visit the studios, discuss their ideas and find out about our internal training courses. Please contact us for more details about when the next meeting will be held.

However, you don’t need to be part of a broadcast to be a member. You can still choose to support us by taking out a membership. FromeFM relies on membership subscriptions to cover our costs including rent, equipment and licensing fees.

Membership also gives you voting rights and a say in how FromeFM is run.

If membership isn’t for you, but you have skills and time to donate to FromeFM, then you can apply to be a volunteer. We have all sorts of volunteering opportunities from technical assistants to fundraisers, so please get in touch and we can chat about the best way you can help your local community radio station.

Volunteers don’t have voting rights, but they can still join in with FromeFM’s social events and receive the newsletter.

Individual Membership

Subscriptions are currently £12.50 a month, or you can pay a one-time payment of £150 for the year. If you choose to pay annually, please ensure that you make your payments on time so that someone does not have the task of chasing you up for payment each year.  

If you are not working then you may qualify for the unwaged membership rate. This is £8 a month or £96 for the year.

Students in full-time non-advanced education can join for £7 a month or £84 for the year.

There is also a one-time sign up administration fee which covers registration, training sessions and your first 3 months of membership. This is £60 (or £40 if unwaged).

We accept payments by Standing Order (for monthly payments), Bank Transfer (for annual amounts paid up front), cash or cheque. Our account details are as follows:

Frome Community Productions CIC

HSBC  Sort Code 40-44-33, Account Number 62079968

Community Group Membership

Community groups can join us too.  Fill in the form on this page (ticking the Group Membership box) to say what you would like to do and we will get back to you to arrange a meeting.

Group membership is currently £200 a year which covers the cost of training for key individuals and use of the studio to make your programmes for broadcast on Frome FM.

Every group is different so please get in touch to discuss how we can work effectively together.

Flexible Subscription

Please appreciate that if the above subscription figures are baseline figures. If you are able and willing to pay a bit more each month then please do. It would be very much appreciated.


*You must be over 18 to submit the information here - if you are under 18 and you would like to get involved, please ask a parent or guardian to fill out the form on your behalf.

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Frome FM members and supporters at a fundraiser quiz

Support Us

FromeFM is a not-for-profit organisation run and managed entirely by volunteer members. We have operating costs of around £16,000 a year from rent, utilities, licences and insurance. We also need keep our equipment up to date so we can stay on the air and even expand our service!